Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Teacher's Resources

Today, our tutor is very kind to share with us some of the websites that are related to the teaching field. After gone through some of these websites, i realized that these sites are very useful for teachers because there are various information such as lesson plans, activities, latest info about teaching profession and others. Teachers in the 21st century must be really up-to-date with what is going on in the education development. So, through these websites teachers can equip themselves with the latest info on teaching as well as learning. I myself admit that these websites are very good and beneficial for me as i am a teacher to be. It is all in our hands.. it is either you want it or ignore it. The more you get, the better you are as a person.. (^-^)

lots of worries.. ~_ ~

Up to this moment, i still changing the topic for my video. It is because i'm not sure whether my topic is interesting enough or not. In my opinion, it is a must to any video maker to think of something that can capture the eyes' of the audience and that "something" must be power enough to glue the audience on the chair to watch the video until the end of it. But I still can't find that "thing" that can really make others say "WOW". I'm so ambitious to make something extravaganza about the video but i'm not skilled enough..huhu. My only hope is that my video is not too dull to be watched.

interesting adventure..

looking at my friends who are doing the video making makes me excited to finish mine too. i got some new information and help on doing the video which some of the tricks i dun really know.. well i'm using the windows movie maker to make the video at the moment but i think i wanna explore the "power director" which iman says more interesting and exciting.. can't wait to see the product of my creativity ^-^...